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Ever wondered why all leaders in the world feel very similar in policy and very nationalistic. Ever wondered why all of a sudden this has happened ?
Well,the word nationalism is not new, it is a tried and tested concept.

We have seen nationalism misguide nations like germany and we have seen it guide nations to glory like usa , south korea.

The world is experiencing a new wave of nationalism for a few years now. We can see this as leaders like donald trump(usa) , victor orban(hungary), nicola duterte(phillipenes), jair bolsanaro(brazil) , shinzo abe(japan), narendra modi(india) are getting elected with huge margins. We have also seen that these leaders are increasingly authoritarian with a few noted exceptions.
The reason for such people getting elected can be attributed to multiple reasons such as a feeling of resentment within people. A feeling of neglect and corruption
within the government can also be attributed. We have seen that people associate such leaders as being problem solvers and they put the nation first. These leaders have to act strong to maintain their image .
That brings me to my next point which is that they either have to maintain their image as a man of the people or a problem solver or have to jumble between both constantly.

People think that such leaders are new and are the something the nation hasn't experienced before . We forget that a lot of leaders were like this in the past. Leaders like abraham lincoln, winston churchill, ronald regan, helmut kohl were leaders who were authoritian, nationalistic ,efficient and had a great image
with the people.

We have seen a cycle where such people are elected after a wave of anti-incumbency. The reason we think more such leaders are getting elected because more of them have been elected at the same time instead of being spread out over multiple countries over a long time.
The only thing we see is that they are new faces, nothing else.

Philomath team
